Friday, October 9, 2009


Gone with the wind... , The Godfather..., Singing in the rain... , Psicosis... , 2001: A space oddisey... , The exorcist... , Cabaret... These are just some of the most popular films ever. Have you seen any of these films?
This week's blog assignment is to write about a movie you have seen. Make sure to include the following in your post:

  • Do you like going to the cinema? If so, how often do you go?. When did you last go
  • Do you ever rent or buy films?
  • What's your favourite film?
  • What is it about?
  • How many times have you seen it?
  • What are the good and weak points of the film?
  • Would you reccomend it?
  • How would you rate it?: A must see? Good? Just fair? I want my money back?
Write between 250 and 300 words and remember to comment on two of your classmates' posts.
I look forwards to reading your reviews.

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